Summer Music & Festival Guide 2006
It's an old story: I was a lowly merchant, she was a lady in waiting for the baroness; it wasn't meant to be. She got in trouble with her lady for making eyes at me during the morning procession, and when we met at Kaladi's for coffee, people kept texting her phone and she was too busy replying to carry much of a conversation.
Yes, I worked at a ren fair. In fact, I worked at all the fairs last summer. Or at least it felt like it.
I'd just spent six months in Honolulu and I faced a summer of underemployment. But as if by fate, I got off the plane in Fairbanks the night of the first Clucking Blossom festival and after that my summer was filled - with festivals.
The summer is starting, just starting, in Alaska, so it's time to start thinking about festivals. Follow the link for some good pictures of the Alaskan happenings.
My favorites are - Ren Fair, Hunter creek bluegrass festival, Juneteenth (it's on my birthday), Midnight Sun Marathon, Girdwood Forest Fair, Seward Mountain Marathon, Labor day end of season party in McCarthy! Oh yea - that's a good season of all night, all sun and fun Alaskan style parties!