AlaskaPoll Shows Broad Support for All-Alaska Gasline
By Lee Revis
Editor, Valdez Star
ANCHORAGE- A recent survey of 507 Alaskans reveals widespread support for an all-Alaskan natural gas pipeline going to Valdez. “It was part of the AlaskaPoll,” said David Dittman of Dittman Research Corporation, “We’ve been doing it for 35 years.”
The AlaskaPoll is an annual survey conducted by Dittman Research Corporation on the attitudes and interests of Alaskans regarding a wide variety of topics affecting the State. This year, the poll included two questions regarding development of Alaska’s natural gas resources. One lengthy question asks: At the present time, there appear to be three different proposals to bring Alaska's North Slope natural gas to market.
A company named TransCanada, which says it already has all the Canadian permits needed to build a pipeline from the North Slope through Canada to the Mid-Western United States. A combined proposal by ConocoPhillips, BP and Exxon - - who have leased the rights to Alaska's North Slope gas - - they would also build a pipeline from the North Slope through Canada to the Mid-Western United States. And a proposal by the Alaska Gasline Port Authority to build a pipeline from the North Slope to Valdez, where the gas would be liquefied and transported to market by tankers. Just based on that information, which proposal do you think the state should select?"
Based on that question alone, 64% of respondents chose the Alaska route to Valdez. While 14% were unsure, only 15% of Alaskans supported the Gasline proposal put forth by the producers and only 5% supported the TransCanada plan. A mere 1% supported a different route all together.
A second question posed was: "The Alaska Gasline Port Authority proposal also includes a spur-line to supply North Slope natural gas to the Mat-Su, Anchorage and Kenai areas. How important is that to you?"
A whopping 73% said it was Quite/Very Important. 25% reported it was Not too/Not important at all. Only 2% were unsure.
While Dittman says the questions posed did not include all of the facts relating to the issues, he is very confident that the results are an accurate representation of Alaskan attitudes regarding the development of Alaska’s Natural Gas.
According to the company’s website, the AlaskaPoll is conducted “Utilizing the exclusive Alaskan methodology developed and perfected by Dittman Research, the AlaskaPoll’s findings are known to be precise, accurate and highly representative of the Alaskan viewpoint.”
Dittman says the results of the AlaskaPoll will be posted on the company’s website in the near future. Look for it at
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