Thursday, April 14, 2005

Survey of the Class of 2000 Tells a Story

Survey of the Class of 2000 Tells a Story

By Lee Revis
Editor, Valdez Star

VALDEZ - The post graduation survey from the class of 2000 is in, which gives Valdez High School and the school district a snapshot of how students from the district are doing five years after graduation. "We do this every year," said outgoing Superintendent Ernie Manzie.

The Class of '00 graduated 51 students and 90% of those young people responded to the survey. Of the 53% of grads who went to a four year college, 42% have successfully completed a degree program. Two year college students reported very similar percentages. "I was impressed how many of our kids go on to higher education," said Valdez High School Principal Geary Cantrell.

Only 13% of those who went onto a four year have dropped out with no plans to return. Another 13% are not in school but do plan to return. The rest are still in school but say they plan to graduate within the next 12 months.

The numbers were somewhat dismal for those 9% of students who went directly into trade or technical schools. Not one of those former students reported completing certificate programs. 25% were still taking classes and did expect to complete training within a year. 75% did not successfully complete programs.

Former students were also asked to rate Valdez High. 11% rated the school superior, 49% said excellent, 33% thought it was good and 7% opined it was fair. Not one rated the school Poor or Very Poor.

Students were also asked ways the school could improve educational opportunities. Some respondents felt sports team members were treated better than non athletes five years ago while others felt they needed more foreign language classes or more math and science. There was praise for the dual credit college courses offered to high school students and the college. Technology courses were also rated high with one complaint stating, "Would like to see VHS make Computer classes mandatory."

On the employment front, 22% of the grads reported being unemployed. However, the survey did not ask if grads were not working while in school or just could not find work.

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