Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Vandals Ransack College Early Sunday Morning

Vandals Ransack College Early Sunday Morning

By Lee Revis
Editor, Valdez Star

PWSCC - Prince William Sound Community College was brutally vandalized in the wee hours of Sunday morning leaving thousands of dollars in damage in its wake. "We have to juvenile males in custody," said Lt. Bill Comer of the Valdez Police Department.

Cops were first alerted to vandalism when the suspects set off the fire alarm inside the college sometime around 1:00 a.m. Sunday morning. Firefighters responding to the alarm found no fire, but brazen destruction all throughout the building. Plants were overturned, paperwork scattered everywhere in addition to mounds of broken glass from windows and display cases, destroyed drinking fountains and furniture. The damage was not limited to inside the building. All six of the college owned vehicles in the parking lot outside the building suffered one or more broken windows. "It was overwhelming," Comer said on Monday morning. "It was kind of unbelievable."

Six previously off duty officers and jailers were called in to process the scene which will cost the city quite a bit of money. "When a major crime like this happens it utilizes all our resources," said Comer during the early morning while police were still taking fingerprints and documenting the scene. "If we try to do it cheaper and quicker it costs you in the long run."

College personnel and volunteers in the community were given access to the building at around 4:00 p.m. Sunday to do a damage assessment and start putting the pieces back together in hopes of having the school ready for business as usual come Monday morning. "Community support was incredible," said Acting President Doug Desorcie after the school opened for classes on schedule Monday morning. "We were totally out at about 11:00 p.m. last night."

While the institution appeared a little frayed at the edges, it was indeed open for business Monday morning and all services, including the Wellness Center were abuzz with activity.

Actual estimates of the dollar value of the destruction are not yet fully known but will surely run into the tens of thousands of dollars. It is also still undetermined what, if anything, was stolen during the rampage. Damage assessments and costs for replacement and repairs of the vandalism are ongoing.

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